• Get to class on time
  • Reduce absences


  • Reasonable and appropriate


  • Always prepared to learn
  • Engaged in the learning
  • No Classroom disruptions

Preparing our Bloodhounds for success in college, career, and citizenship!

Keys to Success

1. On time

  • Get to class on time
  • Reduce absences

2. Dressed for success

  • Reasonable and appropriate

3. Focused on learning

  • Always prepared to learn
  • Engaged in the learning
  • No Classroom disruptions

Choice Room

At Auburndale High School, our mission is to prepare our students for success in college, career, and citizenship. We strive to create an extraordinary environment that inspires greatness and ensures that every student achieves at the highest possible level.

In order to be successful, we believe our students need to be on time, they need to be dressed for success, and they need to be focused on learning. We strive to communicate these expectations on a daily basis; whether through our announcement system, our HDTV program, information posted on our website and social media sites, posters, or through one-on-one conversations, our students are constantly reminded and encouraged to meet these expectations. 
Our progressive discipline plan includes series of interventions designed to reinforce these expectations. One of these interventions is the 'Choice Room'. This discipline step is designed to emphasize our expectations to students who are tardy to class (have not entered their room by the time the two minute bell has finished ringing), who are out of dress code, or who are disruptive (includes but no limited to: out of turn talking, out of their seat, unauthorized cell phone use in the class, unauthorized eating in class, etc.). 

When students are sent to the Choice Room by a teacher, they are expected to report to the Choice Room where they will sign in, be given a task by the Choice Room teacher, and will be expected to remain in the Choice Room for the remainder of that class period; when that class period ends, the student will be free to go to the next class. Students who are sent to Choice Room for a dress code infraction will be given a pass that excuses them for that infraction for the remainder of the day. For serious instances, a parent or guardian will be contacted to bring in a change of clothes.

Students in Choice Room will be expected to:

  • Report and sign in with the Choice Room teacher
  • Remain silent and in their seats for the entire Choice Room period
  • Complete any assignments that the Choice Room teachers or the teacher from the class they are missing gives him/her
  • Complete any homework assignments that they already have with them

Students in choice room will not be allowed to:

  • Talk to other students
  • Make any disturbances\
  • Be on their cell phones
  • Sleep
  • Request to go to another class to make up work
  • Request to go back to the teacher that sent him/her to get assignments to work on

Progressive Discipline Measures:

  • Students sent to Choice Room are expected to leave the classroom and head straight for the Choice Room. Students may not stop by the bathroom, offices, another classroom, or any other area on their way to the Choice Room
  • Students who do not show up to Choice Room, when sent by a teacher or administrator, will receive a three (3) day Out of School Suspension (OSS) for insubordination
  • A trip to Choice Room is an excused absence and teachers must provide make up work.
  • Students are afforded two (2) Choice Room visits per 9 weeks before being assessed a consequence. Parent(s) or guardian(s) will receive a letter notifying them of Choice Room visits on the student's 3rd visit. On the 3rd and 4th visits, a referral will be written and the student will receive a work detail. On the 5th visit to the Choice Room a student will receive one (I) day Out of School Suspension (OSS). The 6th visit will result in a two (2) days Out of School Suspension (OSS) and the 7th three (3) days Out of School Suspension (OSS). The length of the suspension will not exceed 3 days for subsequent visits.
  • Parents will be notified by an administrator anytime a consequence is assessed.
  • Students who are caught skipping by a teacher or an administrator will be sent to Choice Room; this trip to Choice Room counts as one of the five (5) visits. If the skipping student decides to skip Choice Room, this will result in a three (3) days Out of School Suspension (OSS).
  • Any student that goes to Choice Room twice in one day, will receive a one (I) day Out of School Suspension (OSS).

Why is it called 'Choice Room'?

Students who embrace and follow our expectations are doing the right thing. Students who meet these expectations are eligible for recognitions, rewards and incentives throughout the year. However, students who break the rules and fail to follow our reasonable and appropriate expectations will find themselves in the Choice Room as a consequence for their choices ... choices ... being in the Choice Room is about the choices that students make. We want our students to choose, daily, to strive for success and excellence!

Student Dress Code Policy

Auburndale High School, in accordance with Section 2.06 of the Polk County School Code of Student Conduct, is committed to providing students an exceptional learning environment that prepares them to be successful citizens in the 21st century. Clothing must be in good taste and acceptable to community and school standards. Inappropriate attire is any clothing that disrupts the educational process, adversely impacts the learning environment, or endangers the health or safety of students, staff members, and community members. 

  • Shorts, dresses, and skirts must come to the knee. The Principal and his administrative designees are able to exercise his/her judgement. Leggings underneath do not override this policy.
  • Shorts that are considered spandex "bicycle" shorts, traditional running shorts, see through shorts, short shorts and any type of cutoffs are not allowed.
  • Any clothing exposing the torso or upper thighs such as see-through garments, mini-skirts or mini-dresses, halters, or backless shirts and dresses are not allowed.
  • Sleeveless garments such as tube tops, spaghetti strap, or tank tops without over-blouses, jackets, or shirts are not acceptable.
  • Shirts, tube tops, or blouses that expose the midriff or are tied at the midriff are not allowed.
  • Please be advised that trench coats are prohibited districtwide this year. Hooded sweatshirts are acceptable, but hoods may not be worn during school hours.
  • Pants must be worn around the waist and properly fitted.
  • Tights, spandex pants, and Yoga pants are not acceptable while on campus.
  • Any attire associated with gangs, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, violence or that supports discrimination will not be acceptable while on campus.
  • Clothing not properly fastened or that has tears, rips, or holes is not acceptable.
  • Clothing or other garments traditionally designed as undergarments such as boxer shorts, bloomers, tights, hosiery and sleepwear such pajama pants are not allowed.
  • Overalls are not allowed.
  • Hats are not to be worn or brought onto campus.
  • Blankets are not allowed.
  • Clothing or jewelry that is indecent, distractive, or disruptive to the learning environment is not allowed. This includes bandanas and anything that is considered offensive or suggestive.

The Polk County School Board Student Code of Conduct allows for the revocation of privileges for excessive dress code violations. Students who fail to meet the dress code expectations of Auburndale High School may be required to dress in a more restrictive manner as delineated in the Polk County School Board Student Code of Conduct. 

Student Check Out Procedures

  • All check outs are processed in the main office. Students cannot be picked up from school without going through the proper check out procedures.
  • Students may only be checked out by adults with 'pick up' permission on the emergency contact list.
  • Adults checking students out must present a driver's license or valid photo ID to the front office staff.
  • Student drivers that need to check themselves out will need to go to the front office and provide a written note signed by a parent or legal guardian, granting permission for the student to check out. Parents or guardians can also call the school to request a self check out. Please do not email the office staff to request a check out. A school administrator will need to speak to the parent or approved adult by phone before approving the check out. All self check outs must be approved by a school administrator. For reasons of safety and security, school administrators may ask a series of questions in order to confirm the identity of the parent/adult.
  • All check outs are processed in the main office. Student drivers cannot leave campus without going through the proper check out procedures.
  • Students who check out from school will marked 'absent' for their time off campus. A note or other form of documentation {appointment notice, doctor's note, court summons, etc.) must be provided to the office within 72 hours in order to excuse all missed classes.
  • If you know your child has an upcoming doctor's appointment, court date, meeting, etc. during school hours, we ask that you plan ahead. You can prearrange for your child to check him/herself out by providing a note and getting administrator approval before the day of the check out.
  • All check outs are processed in the main office. If a student becomes sick while at school, he/she must report to the school clinic to get evaluated by the school nurse. If it is determined that the student is too ill to stay in school, he/she must go through the proper check out procedures.

Student ID Badges

  • Polk County Public Schools has mandated that all students, grades 6-12, will be required to wear an identification badge.
  • Initial student identification badges will be provided to students, at no cost, to ensure the safety and security of students and staff. Students must wear these ID badges around their necks at all times while on school grounds.
  • Anytime a student misplaces or forgets their ID badge, they will be sent to the office to get a replacement ID badge. The cost of the replacement badge will be $5.00. If a student is unable to pay for the badge at the time, they will be given a badge but will be placed on the obligation list. Students will incur a $5.00 fee each time they are without their badge.
  • District policy clearly states that ID badges are to be worn around or near the neck area at all times. Students will not be allowed to keep ID's in their pockets or backpacks. Anytime a student refuses to wear their badge in the proper location they will be considered insubordinate and may be subject to disciplinary action.

AHS Tardy Policy

Attendance PPT for 2022

Attendance and promptness are extremely important factors in the success, or lack of success, for students at Auburndale High School. According to the Polk County School Board, truancy is defined as any student that is subject to compulsory school attendance who has an excessive amount of unexcused absences within a certain amount of time (10 to 90 calendar days) OR has an accumulative record of tardiness.

Students who arrive at school after 7:00 am without an excuse are considered tardy. Late students will be instructed to report to the Choice Room for one class period. Students that provide an excuse for their tardiness will be instructed to report directly to class. All students arriving late MUST check in through the main office.

Excused tardies include:

  • Personal Illness: if a note (signed by the parent) is submitted to the school upon checking in and it does NOT exceed 10 notes per school year.
  • Illness or Death in the Immediate Family: if a note signed by the parent is submitted upon checking in to school.
  • Religious Holidays: If the parent gives written notice at least 5 days prior to the tardy.
  • Educational Trips: if prearranged with the teacher and approved by the principal.
  • Trips with Parents: if prearranged and approved by the school administration.
  • School Sponsored Activities: if the activities were prearranged with the school administration.
  • Judicial Actions: if a copy of the subpoena or court summons is provided upon check in at school.
  • Other emergencies: may be accepted at the discretion of the Principal or Principal Designee. May require documentation and may be subject to a 10 note maximum per school year.

Executive Intern Criteria

Only students who satisfy the following criteria will be considered to be Executive Intern:
• Seniors
• On track to graduate
• Earned an acceleration point by passing an AP Exam, passing a dual enrollment course with a C or better, or passing an industry certification

On-the-Job Training (OJT) Criteria

Only students who satisfy the following criteria will be considered for OJT:
• Seniors
• On track to graduate
• Earned an acceleration point by passing an AP Exam, passing a dual enrollment course with a C or better, or passing an industry certification
• Have a job

Food & Drink Policy

The Polk County School Nutrition program has a heartfelt concern for the well-being and health of our students and our community. We believe that good nutrition is critical for maximum student achievement and meeting our district's educational goals. Auburndale High School's nutrition program is an extension of the district's program and it shares the same focus and commitment to serving the most nutritious meals to our students and providing nutrition education that will prepare students to choose a healthy lifestyle now and into the future.

In an effort to create an extraordinary environment that inspires greatness, in order to support the School District's nutrition program and in an effort to comply with USDA school dietary guidelines, AHS has set forth the following basic food and drink guidelines:

  • Students are not allowed to bring outside (commercially prepared) food to be consumed in the cafeteria, cafeteria patio or any other area where students eat their school-prepared food.
  • If a student arrives at school with (commercially prepared) food or if a parent brings outside food for a student, they will be allowed to eat their food in the office or any other area designated by office or administrative staff.
  • Other than for medical/emergency reasons, office and/or administrative staff will not handle or process the delivery of food to students and they will not call students to come to the office to pick up outside (commercially prepared food). Parents must notify the office staff about the medical/emergency situation prior to the food being delivered. Students with medical conditions will always have immediate access to healthy and nutritious school-prepared food.
  • Other than for medical/emergency reasons, food deliveries by restaurant delivery services (such as pizza deliveries) will not be processed or distributed to students by office/administrative staff. Parents must notify the office staff about the medical/emergency situation prior to the food being delivered. Students with medical conditions will always have immediate access to healthy and nutritious school-prepared food.
  • Parents who wish to share a meal with their children at school, may bring outside (commercially prepared) food to share with their children; however, this food cannot be brought in the cafeteria, cafeteria patio or any other area where students eat their school-prepared food. Office or administrative staff will direct parents to an area designated for these visits where the outside food can be enjoyed by parents and students.
  • Parents cannot bring outside (commercially prepared) food for any other student other than their child(ren).

Student Attendance Policies & Procedures

Attendance is an extremely important factor in the success, or lack of success, for students at Auburndale High School. With a seven period schedule, students will attend seven 47-minute classes each day for an 18-week semester. They will continue in the same classes for the second semester unless they have enrolled in a ½ credit course (i.e., Physical Education, Government, Economics, or various other electives). Credit is earned on a semester basis at ½ credit per semester per class. To comply with the attendance requirements established by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the State of Florida and Polk County Schools, students must attend class a minimum of 67.5 hours per semester. All courses allow for 75 hours of instruction per semester. A student who misses 10 days or more of class is in jeopardy of losing credit. If the student does not complete make up work to the teacher's satisfaction he/she will be required to pass the final exam to show mastery and to receive credit for that class.

Parental Notification of Absences

Parents will be contacted via by the school computer and telephone system every time the student misses a class. Thus it is very important to keep the school informed of any changes in contact information. Parents will be asked to update this information by contacting the Attendance Secretary at 965-6200.

Excused/Unexcused Absences

Excused absences, as described by the Polk County Code of Student Conduct Section 2.01 include:

  • Personal Illness: if a note signed by the parent is submitted within three student attendance days upon return to school and it does not occur more than 10 attendance days in a 90 calendar day period
  • Illness or Death in the Immediate Family: if a note signed by the parent is submitted upon return to school
  • Religious Holidays: If the parent gives written notice at least 5 days prior to the absence
  • Educational Trips: if prearranged with the teacher and approved by the principal. The student must submit a written report of the trip to the teacher.
  • Trips with Parents: if prearranged and approved by the school administration. Emergencies will not be excused unless determined by the principal.
  • School Sponsored Activities: if the activities were prearranged with the school administration.
  • Judicial Actions: if a copy of the subpoena or court summons is provided upon return to school. Placement in a Juvenile Detention Center shall be an excused absence.

Unexcused absences, as described by the Polk County Code of Student Conduct Section 2.01 include:

  • Any absence that does not meet the criterion of an excused absence listed above.
  • For the purposes of truancy, the student must be present more than 50% of the day to be counted present.

Students enrolled at Auburndale High School are expected to make up missed work for excused absences. A student is expected to request make-up work immediately upon returning to school. Make-up work should be an appropriate assignment that can be, but does not have to be, equivalent to the hours of school missed. According to the Polk County Code of Student Conduct, Section 2.20: 'Work missed during the student's first three (3) days of unexcused absences during a semester is expected to be made up. This includes absences caused by an out-of-school suspension. The right of students to make up work on the fourth unexcused absence and all other days of unexcused absences per semester may be denied.' The time allotted for a student to complete missed assignments should be a minimum of two school days per each day of absence.

Documentation of Excused Absences

The following documentation should be turned in to Mrs. Manuel in the Attendance Office within three (3) days of the student's return to school. These are:

  • medical appointments/hospitalization report
  • court-ordered appearances
  • traffic accidents directly involving the student
  • funeral (In Memoriam) document
  • note concerning illness signed by parent
  • Prearrangement documentation for trips

It is highly recommended that parent(s)/guardian(s) keep copies of the documents relating to student absences. Students are expected to request make-up work immediately upon returning to school from all absences.

Extended Make-up Time

Based on lengthy absences due to unusual circumstances, the teacher may use discretion to grant an extended time period for the return of completed make-up work. However, this extended make-up time frame can not be extended beyond two weeks after the course has concluded.

Credit Denial due to Failure to Pass Final Exam

Based on SACS guidelines, all students who do not meet the minimum 135 hours of instruction for each unit of credit (67.5 hours per semester) must show mastery of performance standards. Upon absence #10 per course in a semester with no evidence of teacher-based acceptable make-up work, the student may be required to show mastery of performance standards by passing the course and the teacher's final exam. If mastery of the performance standards is not met by the student, he/she will be denied credit.

Denial of Credit due to Excessive Absences

A student with excessive absences in a semester, as determined by the Attendance Committee, with no evidence of teacher-based acceptable make-up work can be denied credit in that course. If the student is age 16 or over, he/she is subject to withdrawal from school with parent approval. Absences due to suspension count toward the above mentioned absences.

Attendance Committee

The Attendance Committee is made up of teachers and administrators. The committee may recommend to the Principal the denial or reinstatement of credit. The denial of credit will be at the end of the course. The decision of the Principal is final. Attendance will be taken electronically using Pinnacle (Gradebook) by all teachers period by period. Attendance will be entered the first ten minutes of each period, unless there are special mitigating circumstances. Teachers will code absences AU (unexcused) for all classes. If a student turns in an allowable excuse, the absence code will be changed to A by the attendance secretary. Absences for ISS or OSS will be recoded by the attendance secretary. Students skipping class will be written up on a discipline referral. In classes where course syllabi are available, and tests are planned and announced in advance, students are expected to take the test upon returning to school after an absence should the absence occur on test day. When special class reports and projects are announced in advance, they are also due upon the student's return to school should the absence occur on the due date. An attempt at Parent contact will be made by the deans once a student has missed 3 days. Once the student misses 5 days, they will be placed on an attendance contract. If there are extenuating circumstances regarding a student's absence from school please notify the attendance or guidance offices. Communication is the key ingredient in achieving our goal of reducing student absenteeism. Questions about student attendance should be directed to the attendance secretary, Lois Manuel. Questions about enrollment status should be directed to the terminal operator, Mrs. Tabatha Price.

Leaving School Grounds

The only way students are permitted to leave campus during the school day is by checking-out through the attendance office. This includes 18-year old students who live at home.

Parking Policy

  • Students are to park in the area designated for student parking. Parking permits will be sold by Mrs. Mulford or Ms. Boatner. The cost of the parking permit is $20.00 and there are no refunds. Students must provide a copy of their drivers license and insurance card. Students will read and sign a form acknowledging that they have read and understand the parking procedures.
  • Permits must be displayed at all times in the front windshield or your vehicle may be towed. Students can begin buying passes the week prior to the first day of school. Incoming Seniors will have the opportunity to purchase parking permits the last week of school. You must show proof of successfully passing the 11th grade (current grade report).
  • Co-op Students will also provide the above documentation along with a copy of a current class schedule. Schedules will be verified through the school year to ensure the student is still enrolled in Co-op. If there is a schedule change, the student needs to see Mrs. Mulford and exchange the co-op pass for a regular parking pass at no charge.
  • At no time will the regular student body parking area gates be unlocked in order for Co-op students to leave campus. They must at all times park in the co-op designated parking area.
  • If at any time a student arrives on campus and his/her parking spot has another vehicle in it, they are to come to the main office and report it immediately.
  • If you are checking out during the school hours, you must have a pass from the main office allowing you to depart campus. This includes students involved with Yearbook and SGA.
  • Students who did not purchase a parking permit the week before school starts will have the first week of school to do so. At the beginning of the second week of school, students will get a warning for not having a permit. The second warning could result in your vehicle being towed at owners expense. Students will also be cited for the following.
    • Parked in wrong space.
    • Parked in a no parking zone.
    • Parked in teacher parking.
  • If students have been cited three or more times, their parking privilege will be reviewed which could result in the parking pass being revoked. Students will have to find other means of transportation to school. A bus schedule is available in the office.
  • If you have questions or concerns, please see Mrs. Mulford or Ms. Boatner in the front office.


Volunteers are an important part of our school family. To maintain security on our campus, new volunteers must undergo a Florida Department of Law Enforcement background check at a cost of $24. This is a one time tax-deductible fee for prospective volunteers Return your completed application to Anita Boatner in the AHS main office.

All volunteers must check in through the main office when coming in campus.